Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Live Review: Kasabian in Los Angeles, CA

Kasabian --which has been working hard this year to break through to U.S. audiences as an opening act and with a well-received appearance Southern California's Coachella festival--brought down the house Tuesday (6/8) during the group's first Los Angeles headlining appearance.

Wrapping a U.S. tour in support of its self-titled debut, the quartet played its signature blend of dance rock to the Henry Fonda Theater crowd with that swagger that only a Brit can pull off. Singer Tom Meighan knows how to command the crowd like a young Mick Jagger, utilizing some good, snake-like moves and exercising authority over the audience for some sing-along moments. Songs like the opener, "I.D.," as well as "Lost Souls Forever" and "Processed Beats," sound just as rock-and-rave as they do on Kasabian's debut album.

Other songs performed during the 75-minute set--including "Reason is Treason," "Cutt Off," and "Test Transmission"--spanned genres ranging from punk to trip-hop, and even jam-rock. All were delivered with enough passion and verve to occupy a full stadium's attention. Guitarist/singer Sergio Pizzorno would take over vocal duties on some songs, and even exchange lead spots mid-song with Meighan.

Kasabian's sound is difficult to pin down, as it spans so many genres. But it's not about genre. The members of Kasabian clearly see themselves as rock rebels who want to shock the system.

While their album may demonstrate that Kasabian is influenced by the dance rock of Primal Scream and the trippy swagger of Happy Mondays, their live set adds a space-rock, instrumental-jam element that's reminiscent of early Pink Floyd.

As the set came to a close with the album's opening track, "Club Foot," Meighan gained complete control of the crowd, which was jumping in unison at his command and singing to the tune's signature wailing chorus. Soon after, the sweaty masses departed, fully appreciating the power of sound plus delivery.

Taken from: liveDaily


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