Thursday, March 31, 2005

CD Review: Stereophonics, "Language. Sex. Violence. Other?"

Stereophonics have been on a years-long quest to attract a substantial U.S. audience. With their sixth and strongest album, the Welsh trio could be on their way to attaining that goal.

While gathering a small, loyal, American fan base, Stereophonics have received little-to-no stateside radio airplay, partly due to a sound deemed by critics as "too British" on their first three releases, and then "too American" on their following two.

Fortunately, "Language. Sex. Violence. Other?" mines ambitious new territory while still retaining the raspy-voiced storytelling of singer/guitarist Kelly Jones. This new era entails a signature, big-stadium sound that contains some amazing moments. Highlights here include the piano-to-guitar transition in "Devil," the Kraftwerk-esque guitar styles in "Dakota" and the guitar/drum buildup in "Rewind."

While "Language. Sex. Violence. Other?" is a first-class new direction for Stereophonics, longtime fans can easily embrace moments reminiscent of their past singles. But those fans should brace for a new batch of converts.

Taken from


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