Wednesday, March 30, 2005

CD Review: The Bravery, "The Bravery"

After months of press anticipation, New York five-piece The Bravery arrives with some tunes reminiscent of when New Wave was king.

However, thanks to a slew of reunion tours and new bands with similar influences, the '80s are already back. In fact, The Bravery's sound is almost too derivative to for comfort. Singer Sam Endicott comes across like Strokes frontman/NYC-hipster Julian Casablancas, and the rhythms evoke Duran Duran.

Songs like "An Honest Mistake," "Public Service Announcement" and "Unconditional" are definitely danceable and perfect for clubs, but lack the punch of similar bands like Kasabian and The Killers.

Add some nonsensical lyrics ("You put the broke in broken hearted/You put the art in retarded," from "Public Service Announcement") and you get a mediocre release that's backed by too much hype.

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