Friday, May 20, 2005

CD Review: Goldie Lookin' Chain, "Straight Outta Newport" (Record Collection)

Goldie Lookin' Chain's version of gangsta rap, delivered by eight tracksuit-wearing, pasty-white guys from Wales, is an amusing take on the genre that pulls no punches.

In much the way The Darkness takes on '80s hair bands, Goldie Lookin' Chain not only embraces gangsta-rap, but brings their own twist. The results may not be for everyone, but those who are open to hardcore rap and comedy will find it hilarious.

Unlike some attempts at comic approaches to music--and it's hard to take them full-on seriously with member names like Mike Balls, Adam Hussain and The Maggot--GLC's effort stands on its own merits. This is a well-written collection of raucous songs with cool samples and great beats that can stand up to today's headlining rap acts.

After a few listens, songs like "Self Suicide"--with its look at boosting album sales by committing suicide--and the side-splitting "Guns Don't Kill People, Rappers Do," which blames Vanilla Ice and Snap for today's social ills, will have you listening intently past the thick accents.

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