Thursday, June 16, 2005

Album Review: Embrace, "Out of Nothing" (Lava / Atlantic)

Due to the recent success of other mid-tempo U.K. bands like Coldplay, Travis and Starsailor, Embrace might be dismissed as a yet another copycat act. That's a shame, because Embrace drew up the blueprints for this musical style.

"Out of Nothing" is Embrace's fourth album, but only the second released by a U.S. label. And it's filled with dazzling, dramatic melodies that can stand on their own.

Starting with the opening track, "Ashes," singer Danny McNamara pleads, "Now watch me rise up and leave / all the ashes you made out of me," among building guitar parts and a choir of vocal support all, with a rock edge. The second track, "Gravity," shows a definite Coldplay influence with its opening piano and longing lyrics, but that's a given: the track was co-written and donated to Embrace by Coldplay frontman Chris Martin, who deems the band a significant influence.

Elements like the string sections in "Looking as You Are," the stunning background chorus amid the wall-of-sound guitars in "Someday" and the spiritual space-jam element to "New Life" show that Embrace is still a step ahead of the followers.

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