Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Electronica is Dead... Long live Rock

I gotta say, I was looking forward to three new albums in the last year that were "comebacks" in the techno/electronica realm. However, all three have fallen flat on their butts.

Fatboy Slim - 'Palookaville'
The Prodigy - 'Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned'
The Chemical Brothers - 'Push the Button'

All three just don't hit the mark like their previous albums used to. Either the band has reorganized (Prodigy), the time between albums was too great (Fatboy Slim) or maybe the drugs are wearing off (Chemical Brothers)?

I dunno, but its a sad day for electronic music if this is what we need to show for latest electronic releases by "established" artists in the realm.


Blogger Steg said...

Okay, so there's one release and I totally agree with you on that one.

However, 1 our of 4 is a sorry example.

I hope the upcoming release from Doves can give me some faith, but they're sorta half electronic and half rock in a way so maybe it doesnt count.

11:14 AM  

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